Community DaysCommunity Days
aMS Leipzig 2024
Room 2

Friday, September 27, 2024

Sandra Kiel

Sandra Kiel

Managing Director and Microsoft MVP

Clipchamp Mastery: Videos professionell erstellen und teilen im M365-Umfeld

Raphael Koellner

Raphael Koellner

Microsoft Regional Director, MVP Office Apps and Services, Windows Insider MVP, Podcaster, Speaker

Die NIS 2 Richtlinie in der praktischen Umsetzung und Anwendung bei Microsoft 365

Ferdi Lethen-Oellers

Ferdi Lethen-Oellers

Microsoft MVP |Increasing productivity in everyday work with Microsoft 365 | Modern Workplace enthusiast and expert in the Microsoft 365 environment #coffeefreak #gernperDu

Sandra Filser

Sandra Filser


Espresso-Effizienz: das Kraftpaket für digitales Mitarbeiter-Onboarding

Alexander Wachtel

Alexander Wachtel

Ph.D., Microsoft AI MVP, MCT & CEO @ ESC Deutschland

Building GenAI Applications with Azure AI

Christian Alexander Schreiber

Christian Alexander Schreiber

Lead Architect Microsoft 365 | MCT | Speaker | WBS IT-Service GmbH | aMS Leipzig - Germany

Deploy a CoPilot with the Microsoft CoPilot Studio as a SharePoint component with single sign-on

Andreas Schlüter

Andreas Schlüter

#MrPowerMagic | make your work flow!

Christoph Twiehaus

Christoph Twiehaus

Productivity Experience Evangelist | Microsoft MVP | #MrRedCap #MrRedShoes | Next Level Collaboration with Microsoft Loop & Copilot for Microsoft 365

Next Level Collaboration mit Microsoft Loop, Adaptive Cards, Power Automate & Microsoft Copilot

Jamel Abed

Jamel Abed

Founder @SPNEXT France & @MCEXPERT BELGIUM | Microsoft Solution Development| Solution Architect

Manage cloud containers with SharePoint Embedded