Thursday, June 15, 2023
Antje Lamartine
M365 Adoption & Change Management @ IF-Blueprint & Microsoft MVP
Microsoft Teams rocks - SharePoint is still alive!
Michael Plettner
Microsoft MVP (M365 Apps and Services), Lead of the Microsoft Teams User Group Germany, Co-Host "Talk Microsoft 365"
Bleiben Sie mit Ihren Zielen auf Kurs - mit OKRs in VIVA Goals
Clément Serafin
M365 Architect
My future workplace Microsoft 365
Marijn Somers
MVP, Owner @mijn365coach, Podcast hero #Office365Distilled
WOW your coworkers with awesome looking lists: conditional formatting in SharePoint
Andreas Hähnel
Microsoft Cloud Evangelist, CEO of Black Magic Cloud
Der Microsoft Graph ist nur etwas für Vollzeitentwickler? Falsch!
Peter Ward
SoHo Dragon - CTO - Microsoft MVP
Power BI - Analysis or Process?