Community DaysCommunity Days
aMS Berlin 2023
Online Room 4

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Antje Lamartine

Antje Lamartine

M365 Adoption & Change Management @ IF-Blueprint & Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Teams rocks - SharePoint is still alive!

Michael Plettner

Michael Plettner

Microsoft MVP (M365 Apps and Services), Lead of the Microsoft Teams User Group Germany, Co-Host "Talk Microsoft 365"

Bleiben Sie mit Ihren Zielen auf Kurs - mit OKRs in VIVA Goals

Clément Serafin

Clément Serafin

M365 Architect

My future workplace Microsoft 365

Marijn Somers

Marijn Somers

MVP, Owner @mijn365coach, Podcast hero #Office365Distilled

WOW your coworkers with awesome looking lists: conditional formatting in SharePoint

Andreas Hähnel

Andreas Hähnel

Microsoft Cloud Evangelist, CEO of Black Magic Cloud

Der Microsoft Graph ist nur etwas für Vollzeitentwickler? Falsch!

Peter Ward

Peter Ward

SoHo Dragon - CTO - Microsoft MVP

Power BI - Analysis or Process?