Friday, February 10, 2023
Aldis Erglis
Emergn, Technology Strategy
Intelligent decision making with Power BI and Power Platform
Oleg Smolenski
Nordea - Senior Business Analyst
DevOps pipelines for Power Apps & Azure
Mantas Umbrasas
Power Platform Developer at Macaw.
Odeta Jankaitienė
Data & Analytics Consultant
Double Power: Power BI and Power Apps Integration
Nathalie Leenders
Power Platform Developer at The Chemours Company
When to use which datasource? For Canvas apps and Model driven Apps.
Märt Ridala
Solita, Country Director - Estonia
Real-life examples of low-code projects. Why should you use it
Paulien Buskens
M365 developer at Ventigrate
Create a great user experience in Power Apps
Edit Kapcari
Power Platform Advisor, MCT | Head of Solutions Development at ORBIS SE
Governing Power Platform solutions, a non-expiring process