Friday, November 11, 2022
Christian Decker
Cloud Architect and Microsoft Fanboy
Conditional Access - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (EN)
David Mehr
IOZ AG, Head of Collaboration
Microsoft Search - Customize Your Finding Path
Joy Apple
The Joy of SharePoint - Microsoft MVP
Lesley Crook
Cloud Consultant ~ Viva Visionary!
Michelle Gilbert
Microsoft Director Modern Work Customer Success | President MN M365 User Group | Former MVP
Sharon Weaver
Founder/CEO of Smarter Consulting | Microsoft Regional Director | Microsoft Certified Trainer | Six Sigma Black Belt | Certified Business & Systems Analyst
Women in Technology Discussion Panel
Vanessa Toves
Shift Your Thiniking
How Resilient Can you Be if Your Data has Only 1 Point in Time...Now?
Damien Van Robaeys
Modern Workplace consultant, Microsoft MVP
Reduce/Avoid Tickets/Call to Support with Intune
Dan Rey
#CookingWithTeams #PeopleYouShouldKnow
Microsoft 365 Groups Demystified
Karinne Bessette
Technologist, PS @Veeam
Essential Microsoft 365 security features crash course