Friday, November 22, 2024
Estelle Auberix
CEO @IOKELA, Co-founder @Cloudhersity, Microsoft Regional Director/Certified Trainer (MCT)
Stratégies de gestion de l'innovation dans Microsoft 365
Julien Chable
Consultant, Founder and CEO of the NC IT's dream team
Booster vos applications et votre organisation à l'IA !
Jeff Angama
Microsoft 365 Solution Architect | MVP
Session AVEPOINT 3 étapes clés pour assurer un déploiement réussi de Microsoft 365 Copilot
Jamel Abed
[MVP] M365 Solution Architect & Developer
Déverrouiller la puissance de SharePoint Embedded : Après la vague 2 de Copilot
Fiona Fruhinsholz
Consultante Microsoft 365 & Adoption
Mai-Lynn Lien
Modern Workplace Consultant
L'Odyssée de l'IA : notre épopée dans l'univers Copilot (Tome II)
Dieter Gobeyn
Enterprise Integration Architect & Azure Cloud Solutions Architect
Power Automate Essentials: Avoiding Common Pitfalls with Hands-On Practice
Patrick Guimonet
Founder and owner Abalon, Microsoft 365 Apps and Services MVP, aMS Community member
Introduction aux agents dans Microsoft 365