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aMP Monaco
Room 1 Microsoft 365 et Copilot

Friday, November 22, 2024

Estelle Auberix

Estelle Auberix

CEO @IOKELA, Co-founder @Cloudhersity, Microsoft Regional Director/Certified Trainer (MCT)

Stratégies de gestion de l'innovation dans Microsoft 365

Clément Serafin

Clément Serafin

M365 Architect

Teams Immersive & Mesh : Welcome to my virtual world

Jamel Abed

Jamel Abed

[MVP] M365 Solution Architect & Developer

Gérer le stockage cloud avec SharePoint Online & SharePoint Embedded

Jeff Angama

Jeff Angama

Microsoft 365 Solution Architect | MVP

Romain Dalle

Romain Dalle

Data Security Technical Officer, MCT, MVP Security @ Cellenza

Copilot c'est bien. Avec des données sécurisées c'est mieux 🛡️ !

Patrick Guimonet

Patrick Guimonet

Founder and owner Abalon, Microsoft 365 Apps and Services MVP, aMS Community member

Microsoft 365 Copilot des licences aux cas d'usages