Friday, October 18, 2024
Scott Schnoll
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft
Microsoft Exchange Tips & Tricks
Paul Swider
Pioneer in global clinical informatics and health technology, code, blockchain, cloud, international speaker, philanthropy, and adventure travel!
Leveraging Microsoft Founders Hub for Startups
Jamel Abed
Founder @SPNEXT France & @MCEXPERT BELGIUM | Microsoft Solution Development| Solution Architect
Manage cloud containers with SharePoint Embedded
Vincent Choy
Senior Cloud Consultant
Microsoft365 and the future workforce
Patrick Guimonet
Founder and owner Abalon, Microsoft 365 Apps and Services MVP, aMS Community member
Microsoft 365 Copilot: AI journey lessons learnt
Jeongwoo Choi
Microsoft Korea
Copilot agents
석희 한
Business Application MVP
Copilot Studio로 Teams용 챗봇(Copilot) 구축 기술
Jeongwoo Choi
Microsoft Korea
금쪽같은 내 코파일럿